After the surrender, Val and many of his comrades were taken prisoner and herded onto cattle trucks. 'Once the door was shut there wasn't much light inside, except for a small opening close to roof, crisscrossed with barbed wire. No toilet facilities, so the first thing we did was cut a hole in the floor big enough to be useful. We travelled through the day and the following night. We arrived at our destination at midday. The day was very sunny and hot. We were formed into a column by Hitler Youth and began our march toward the camp. The Hitler Youth kept running up and down the column looking for any watches and rings on our hands. As the midday sun burned down on us many were on their last legs. The young and strong were alright, but older men were completely worn out by the time we reached the camp. When we stopped everybody slumped down, grateful for a rest. Only now was the full horror of the march revealed - two men were dead from heart attacks and many others were at dea...