One of these men is Adolf Beck. The other is not. Perhaps to you that is obvious, but in 1895 not everyone could tell the difference. Ottilie Meissonier, a language teacher, was walking down Victoria Street in London on her way to a flower show. A man approached her, tipped his hat, and asked, "Are you Lady Everton?" Ms Meissonier replied that she was not, but a conversation ensued between the two nonetheless. The man, who introduced himself as Lord Willoughby, told Ms Meissonier that he had a Lincolnshire estate which was so large that its upkeep required the employ of six gardeners. Bonding over their shared love of horticulture, Ms Meissonier invited her new acquaintance, the dashing and well-mannered Lord Willoughby, to tea the next day. He duly arrived the following afternoon and ended up inviting Ms Meissonier to the French Riviera, going so far as to offer to pay for new clothes for the trip. Giving her a cheque for £40, Willoughby then looked through her jewellery, ...